Acupuncture for Joint Pain & Arthritis

JointpainArthritis is common and can be debilitating.

Acupuncture cannot replace the cartilage surfaces but may be able to relieve some of the pain associated with the condition.  This can be a huge relief to sufferers.  The pain caused by both Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis is often treated with Acupuncture and is both recommended and provided by the NHS in some hospitals and pain clinics.

I treat the area around the affected joint and also sometimes use a gentle heat treatment to relax and warm the muscles, which is very relaxing and comforting.


Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) has a different cause to Osteoarthritis, and often results in pain and swelling around the joints. RA can be treated with acupuncture too, by addressing the inflammation in the whole body.


“Acupuncture with Caroline has helped me tremendously, the pain eased fairly quickly. I now have top-ups every three to four months.”